Fashion fades as well as trends...However, style is eternal. Finding something that fits and works for you.On the other hand, its hard being different when everything you do seems like someone has done it before. And maybe even done it ten times better than you. I have and still experience this many times in my life as I was growing up and still am. Such as finding my self, trying to keep up with the with almost every trend. At least the ones my dad wont have my head for. Or he doesn't know about. Trying to keep up and hang out with the in crowed, those of an older age than I was.
However, as I grow up I realized that those trends does not make me who I am. So I created steps to help me find my self when lost in trends.
*realizing what I am doing
*finding my self,is this what I want
*if not move on,and when i do to bigger and better things
*make it work,make it your own

Sometimes if not most of the time, you find out who and what you are not. And its okay to be different, wired, and awkward. Life is about creating your self from scratch and not already used left over pieces of scrap.