Women and young teenage girls are most likely to suffer body image problems from 12-35 years and sometimes even younger. Women and men have this false image of what women are suppose to look like. It is even possible to have a small thin waist with huge breast and a rear end the size of Alaska without going through plastic surgery?. We favor the skinny but only the skinny in certain places. This body is image issue we have in the United States has killed over 10,000 women over the past 3 years according to US NEWS. These women either starve themselves to death or kill themselves in attempt to end their unhappiness of not fitting the medias idea of beauty. Coming from a Mexican family where the food is so delicious and hard to say no.. I understand the difference between eating healthy and not eating at all. Women confuse those terms a lot.. It's possible to eat healthy and eat delicious things such as burgers and fires it all depends on the size. There is a major emphasis put on women to look a particular way. Those influences are society, fashion magazines, or the people around us. Women are continuously bombarded with images that are extremely difficult to achieve or maintain. The effect of these influences cause an increase in self-esteem issues among women. Society’s pressure to have those in the world look a particular way is one sided, there is no pressure for a man to be “ken doll” skinny but women have to be tall, thin, and regal like the unrealistic figures we see on every cover of high end magazines. This causes a bigger problem in women’s rights that as females we are forced to conform to the standards society places upon us. Less emphasis should be put on creating unrealistic ideals and more emphasis on uplifting and empowering women. Even though it’s not healthy we gain our self-esteem from others if everyone was less judgmental and positive it can transform the way women build confidence. In conclusion, it essential that we give our best effort to change the definition of body image. By doing so we need to provide those in our society with realistic positive images of real women. Real women come in all shapes and sizes and it is important that we represent every body type. We have an impact on the way people feel about themselves just as much as society does. It only takes a few select individuals to create a difference in the way we view the beauty of the human body and greater shape the values of society. It all starts with one person.
By Karen Ponce & Christa Taylor
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